1993年 | 岐阜県にて出生。以降愛知県在住 |
2012年3月 | 同朋高校音楽科卒業 |
2016年3月 | 名古屋音楽大学卒業 |
2016年9月 | 渡仏 |
2018年6月 | サンモールデフォッセ地方圏立音楽院第三課程修了、音楽研究資格取得(サクソフォン) |
2019年7月 | 同 高等音楽教育準備課程中退、音楽研究資格取得(フォルマシオンミュジカル) |
2019年11月 | 帰国。フリーランスとして活動を開始 |
Sae Ono, Saxophonist

Sae Ono, born in Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture of Japan, in 1993, is a saxophonist. After exploring classical, jazz, and contemporary music genres at Nagoya College of Music, she pursued further studies in France. During her time in France, she earned the “Diplôme d’Étude Musicale” of Saxophone and Formation Musicale qualifications from the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés.
Returning to Japan in 2019, she embarked on various endeavors, including mentoring aspiring saxophonists and providing musical instruction in elementary school extracurricular activities.
Starting in 2022, she took on the role of a guest musician of the Kariya City Orchestra, playing saxophone solos in compositions such as Bizet’s “L’Arlésienne Suite No. 1 & 2,” Ravel’s “Boléro,” and Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition.”
She is also a member of the saxophone ensemble “Petite Forêt,” where she not only performs but also contributes to arrangements, selections of program, and music explanations.
In 2023, Sae Ono established the Saxophone Quartet “Relâche,” assuming a leadership role within the group. Her focus centers on infusing jazz and popular music expressions into the saxophone quartet’s performances.
A member of the “Booobibibiiibibiduo,” initiated in 2016 with fellow saxophonist Nana Imamura, Sae Ono explores the dimensions of popular music through innovative loop effects.
November 1993 | Born in Gifu,Japon |
March 2012 | Graduated from Doho Hight School (Music) in Aichi, Japan |
March 2016 | Graduated from Nagoya College of Music (Bachelor of Music) in Aichi,Japan |
September 2016 | Started studying in France |
Juillet 2018 | Get certified “Diplome d’Etude Musicale (Saxophone)” at Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés |
Juillet 2019 | Get certified “diplome d’etude Musicale (Formation Musicale)” at Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés |
November 2019 | Returned to Japan and start working |
Twitter @sae_ono
Facebook @saeono.work
Instagram @saeono.work